A day in the life of a My First Skool Playgroup child
08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Creative Expressions
Outdoor Play
Routine Care
The most important meal of the day
Besides feeding children with yummy, healthy food prepared to Health Promotion Board guidelines, we also teach them how to clean up after their meals to nurture self-reliance and independence.
Artistic endeavours that inspire
Drawing, painting, and colouring activities with a variety of materials such as crayons and paint that encourage creativity and self-expression.
Exploring the great outdoors
Physical activities and exploring natural environments are important parts of growing up. We spend quality time in neighbouring parks and gardens.
Social and emotional development with puppetry
Encouraging imaginative thinking and creativity by using puppets to tell stories and engage in make-believe play with peers.
Practicing good hygiene
Regular diaper changes and hand washing to ensure high standards of cleanliness.
The most important meal of the day
Besides feeding children with yummy, healthy food prepared to Health Promotion Board guidelines, we also teach them how to clean up after their meals to nurture self-reliance and independence.
Creative Expressions
Artistic endeavours that inspire
Drawing, painting, and colouring activities with a variety of materials such as crayons and paint that encourage creativity and self-expression.
Outdoor Play
Exploring the great outdoors
Physical activities and exploring natural environments are important parts of growing up. We spend quality time in neighbouring parks and gardens.
Social and emotional development with puppetry
Encouraging imaginative thinking and creativity by using puppets to tell stories and engage in make-believe play with peers.
Routine Care
Practicing good hygiene
Regular diaper changes and hand washing to ensure high standards of cleanliness.
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Routine Care / Sing-along
Practical Life Skills
Healthy, scrumptious meals
A variety of nutritious meals made in accordance with the Health Promotion Board's guidelines, taking into account the child's dietary needs.
Resting to recharge and improve learning
Encouraging children to take short afternoon naps by creating a conducive environment for rest.
Self-care and group fun
Teaching children to take care of their personal hygiene and partake in group activities that boost self-expression and vocabulary skills.
Mid-afternoon meals to keep hunger at bay
Tea breaks and snacks to ensure children get the nutrients they need to stay focused in school.
Teaching children to take care of the space around them
Life skills that allow children to care of themselves, such as sorting out plates and cutlery after meals, putting away toys after playing, and taking care of classroom pets and plants.
Healthy, scrumptious meals
A variety of nutritious meals made in accordance with the Health Promotion Board's guidelines, taking into account the child's dietary needs.
Resting to recharge and improve learning
Encouraging children to take short afternoon naps by creating a conducive environment for rest.
Routine Care / Sing-along
Self-care and group fun
Teaching children to take care of their personal hygiene and partake in group activities that boost self-expression and vocabulary skills.
Mid-afternoon meals to keep hunger at bay
Tea breaks and snacks to ensure children get the nutrients they need to stay focused in school.
Practical Life Skills
Teaching children to take care of the space around them
Life skills that allow children to care of themselves, such as sorting out plates and cutlery after meals, putting away toys after playing, and taking care of classroom pets and plants.
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Multi-age Integration
Home Sweet Home
Boosting imagination through reading
Reading books are an essential part of our curriculum. Our storytelling sessions are brought to life through shadow puppets, props, role-playing, and more, leaving our children captivated and engaged.
Intergenerational bonding activities
To encourage children to interact with their seniors, we hold regular learning activities and conversations with older people. This teaches them to celebrate diversity and inclusivity as well as be more empathetic with older generations who have contributed to the nation.
Reconnecting with parents and loved ones
After a long, fun day at school, it's time for our little ones to go home and be with their families. As a security measure, all parents/caregivers must check their children out on their app upon pick-up.
Boosting imagination through reading
Reading books are an essential part of our curriculum. Our storytelling sessions are brought to life through shadow puppets, props, role-playing, and more, leaving our children captivated and engaged.
Multi-age Integration
Intergenerational bonding activities
To encourage children to interact with their seniors, we hold regular learning activities and conversations with older people. This teaches them to celebrate diversity and inclusivity as well as be more empathetic with older generations who have contributed to the nation.
Home Sweet Home
Reconnecting with parents and loved ones
After a long, fun day at school, it's time for our little ones to go home and be with their families. As a security measure, all parents/caregivers must check their children out on their app upon pick-up.
Relationships: the heart of our curriculum
Nursery 2 to Kindergarten 2
4 to 6 years old
Adopting a Relationships-based Approach to Primary Education & Society
Every year, over 22,000 families all across Singapore see their children benefit from our relationships-based curriculum — one that emphasises forging strong bonds between children, teachers, and parents. Find a centre near you or take a virtual tour to explore our learning environments and learn how your child can thrive.