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NFC’s inclusive pre-schools – Natural setting with slight modifications
Learning Environment
Relationships-based Curriculum
NTUC First Campus’ (NFC) two inclusive pre-schools will support children with special needs from February 2022. NFC’s philosophy is to keep the classroom setting as natural as possible with slight modifications to better support the needs of the children.
An example would be the installation of noise-absorbing panels on ceilings, as noise could trigger certain behaviour in children with high sensory needs. The centres will also have sensory play items and seating such as wobbly chairs, as well as visual schedules and pictures.
“Ultimately, inclusive education goes beyond facilities and it is about different partners coming together to understand the children’s needs,” said Deniece Bidhiya, NFC’s acting head of inclusion.
Deniece hopes that the extra support for children with special needs will ease parents’ anxieties.
“The teachers will also benefit from this as their fears of accepting these children will be allayed because there is support. If you know how to support these children with the correct tools and environment, and understand their needs, they are actually no different from the typical children,” she said.
NFC’s inclusive pre-schools at My First Skool at Block 248 Kim Keat Link and Block 406 Woodlands have started classes for children with special needs on 31 January 2022.

Media Coverage
(31 January 2022):Straits Times Online